.101 in 1001.

The Challenge:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:

Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).

Why 1001 Days?

Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple challenges such as New Year's resolutions or a 'Bucket List'. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips, study semesters, or outdoor activities. 

So here it goes! Let’s see if I can complete all of the tasks on my list! I want to blog as much of the progress as I can as I go through the list and check things off...we'll see how that goes. ;)

*ahem* Introducing Kendra's 101 in 1001 list. In no particular order.

  1. Get lost for an entire day (with someone else), losing track of time and the map.
  2. Carve my name in a tree.
  3. Learn to ice skate.
  4. Take a road trip and stop at random places to take pictures.
  5. Photograph and blog at least 48 of these 101 things. (0/48)
  6. Learn guitar.
  7. Tie a note to a balloon and let it go.
  8. Go into missions for a year+.
  9. Tell a joke that makes someone laugh.
  10. Bake cupcakes. And decorate them.
  11. Fly a kite.
  12. Compliment a stranger.
  13. Jump into a big pile of leaves.
  14. Print one of my photographs on canvas.
  15. Go white water rafting.
  16. Re-teach myself cursive.
  17. Go a week 'unplugged' from my laptop and cellphone and use that extra time digging in God's Word.
  18. Buy a vintage camera.
  19. Do a photoshoot using the above mentioned camera as a prop.
  20. Have a campfire in the middle of winter.
  21. Throw a surprise party. (or have one thrown for me. Nope! I'm not hinting at all).
  22. Learn Photoshop and Lightroom.
  23. Write a letter.
  24. Go skydiving. Or bungee jumping.
  25. Blog at least once a week for five months.
  26. Do a photoshoot in the early morning.. sunrise.ish time
  27. Start and finish a novel all in one month.
  28. Go camping. And not like cabin or camper camping either... real, outdoor cooking-over a fire and sleeping in a tent camping.
  29. Graduate.
  30. Go seashell collecting.
  31. Do twelve seniors pictures
  32. Go to bed by 10 every night for a week
  33. Dance in the rain. Barefoot.
  34. Go to Elnora Bible Institute for 2+ terms.
  35. Take photography classes to better my knowledge and talents.
  36. Make a blanket or box fort.
  37. See six friends that I haven't seen in 6 months.
  38. Get in touch with a long-lost friend.
  39. Learn piano.
  40. Inspire someone.  --completed September 13, 2010 "I thought I'd just let you know that ur pics inspired me!!!!!" Who would've guessed?! God is so cool!
  41. Write down something I am grateful for every day for six months.
  42. Buy a new pair of heels. --completed in the month of november. we'll technically my daddy bought them. i'm not gonna complain! :)
  43. Give a child a piggy-back ride.
  44. Memorize three books of the Bible.
  45. Start my photography business. :)
  46. Learn how to juggle.
  47. Take my neighbours homemade cookies.
  48. Do a photoshoot in the pouring rain.
  49. Drink 1% milk for a month. Instead of whole.
  50. Go on a short term missions trip oversees.
  51. Take a walk on the beach. The beach by the real ocean. Not just a bay or great lake.
  52. Intern with a photographer.
  53. No fast food for three months.
  54. Ride a hot air balloon.
  55. See the northern lights.
  56. Go to an opera. --completed 12.4.10. Amahl and the Night Visitors at IUSB
  57. Go on a canoe trip. At least overnight.
  58. Act in a musical.
  59. Leave a gift on a friends doorstep. Just because.
  60. Learn to sew clothing for myself.
  61. Try 1 new recipe each month.
  62. Get into or start a snowball fight.
  63. Back up all photos to dvd or cd.
  64. Start a Bible study group with my besties.
  65. Ride a rollercoaster. Again.
  66. See a whale.
  67. Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet.
  68. Drink only water for a month.
  69. Travel somewhere outside of North America.
  70. Take English riding lessons.
  71. Ride a ginormous Ferris wheel.
  72. Somehow make this list pretty and then hang it on the wall...while making sure I can somehow keep it looking “pretty” when checking off the different goals.
  73. Surprise an out-of-state friend. Or be surprised. --completed october 8-10. i went to ohio.  it was an almost fail. Alisha saw a message about me coming and Brenda was told a few hours in advance because her dad had just been in a hunting accident. and since i was staying with Chris i let her know. i'm gonna count this as a completed goal though! :D and i called Em up because i needed a ride. so i guess you could say i surprised her?
  74. Eat just fruit for a week.
  75. Take at least one photo everyday for one month.
  76. Read the entire Bible.
  77. Better my handwriting. (besides cursive).
  78. Build a snowman.
  79. Learn and practice healthier eating habits.
  80. Visit someone for a weekend.
  81. Conquer a fear.
  82. Photograph my parents.
  83. Stay up for 24 hours straight.
  84. Learn my camera inside and out.
  85. Keep my room clean and organized for an entire 10 days.
  86. Learn to make lattes.
  87. Start to run or bike 20 miles a week regularly.
  88. Make a list of 100 things that make me laugh or smile.
  89. Climb a tree and take a photo of the view.
  90. Make a custom recipe book.
  91. Take more artsy “just for fun” photos
  92. Sleep under the stars.
  93. Live somewhere for 3+ months.
  94. Take voice lessons.
  95. Read six classical literature books I haven't read before.
  96. Study nutrition.
  97. Make 12 new friends (1/12) --uhm. so i like totally have more than twelve new friends just from my family's visit to Mexico! so lets go with people that i will have continuous contact with, mk? i guess i could still get to count some people from that trip, but i'll stick to counting one so i don't 'cheat'. :D
    1-Brittany -11.6.10
  98. Have a picnic.
  99. Memorize all of the states and capitals.
  100. Read Lord of the Rings trilogy.
  101. Paint something.


    If you've made it this far I'm impressed! Which ones are your favourite ideas/goals? Are there any you are going to try?